After the Uttarakhand Uniform Civil Code 2024 bill was passed in the state assembly, the Uttarakhand Waqf Board denied reports that claimed the bill was anti-Islamic and asserted that there was no issue with abiding by the UCC since it does not tamper with the Islamic faith.

As per media reports, Uttarakhand Waqf Board Chairman Shadab Shams said, “I believe the nation will accept this bill hands-on. With the kind of rumours being spread among the Muslim community that this bill is anti-Islamic, I can say that the bill has no line that tampers with the Islamic faith”.

“With utmost honesty and being a strong Muslim myself, I can say that under the light of the Quran, there is no problem with abiding by the UCC. Those who are opposed are not true Muslims. They are political Muslims who somewhere relate to the Congress or the Samajwadi Party. I am again saying this with full responsibility, that this bill does not violate Islam, and Muslims can follow UCC,” said Shadab Shams.

On Wednesday, the Uniform Civil Code Bill was passed with a comfortable majority during a special session of the Uttarakhand assembly on Wednesday. The Bill, which proposes similar or uniform laws for all communities, was tabled on Tuesday during the special session by the Chief Minister.